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Simon Linder

Bet Shemesh, Israel

We have the honor of receiving kind words from Simon Linder in regards to his families experience with Pray It Forward 26. And an uplifting message from the wonderful Yaakov Shweckey to Simons son!

We have the honor of receiving kind words from Simon Linder in regards to his families experience with Pray It Forward 26. And a special uplifting message from the wonderful Yaakov Shweckey to Simons son!

Shalom Aleichem. My name is Simon Linder. I'm 60 years old. I have a son Jonathan, 33 years.  Since 28 he got a Lyme Disease from a tick and he was clinically dead. In the hospital they wake him and he became in coma for 3 months, I'm sorry. 

We came to America to Cleveland Clinic to do brain surgery for my son. And after 6 brain surgeries, they put for my son, pacemaker in his head. 2 years ago they did for me, pacemaker in my heart because of the situation. 

And we met a beautiful organization in America which called Pray It Forward 26. This organization, Pray It Forward 26, gave us money to pay to the hospital. They gave us food, they gave us place to sleep, they gave us a car to use. Many times they gave to us. If it's winter or summer, it doesn't matter. 

So please I'm begging you to help this organization, they help us even here in Israel. I'm not working and my son doesn't work, I take care of him 24-7. We are 3 disability people, my wife, my son and me. So please I beg you to help this organization, Pray It Forward 26.

If you help them, they will help us. So your help, comes straight to us. We will have food in Pesach. Every hug, Please I'm begging you.

Thank you.

Simon Linder
Bet Shemesh, Israel

Simon Linder

Bet Shemesh, Israel

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